Volunteer service
Latest Past Events
Lincoln Trail Homestead State Park and Memorial Prairie Maintenance
Lincoln Trail Homestead State Park and Memorial 39.805351, -89.104150, DecaturJuly 30, 2021 from 8:30-11:00 AM, volunteers are needed to spend some time in the prairie area. We need to weed woody plants, thistle and other plants before they form seeds that are not native to the Illinois prairie. We would appreciate any time you can give us at Lincoln Trail Homestead State Park and Memorial. Thank you for your consideration, Friends of Lincoln Trail Homestead State Park and Memorial
Things with Wings Mini-BioBlitz
Lincoln Trail Homestead State Park and Memorial 39.805351, -89.104150, DecaturThe first mini-BioBlitz of the season will be held Saturday, May 8, 2021, at 1:00 PM in Lincoln Trail Homestead State Park and Memorial. ‘Bio’ means ‘life’ and ‘Blitz’ means ‘to do something quickly and intensively’. Together they make ‘BioBlitz’, a collaborative search to discover as many species as possible, within a set location. The park offers an outdoor learning space that is perfect for this fun activity and families and all ages can become scientists as they study the biodiversity at the site of Abraham Lincoln's first home in Illinois. We hope you can join us as we survey all "Things with Wings" and take part in the Illinois State Bird Count within the park. An expert/speaker will speak on the importance of birds and flying insects and will be available to help you identify species found. The iNaturalist program will be explained so that everyone can download the app and use it on their mobile device if they would like. The number of participants is limited to 50 due to COVID19 regulations and masks are required. Send your reservations to Melody2a@hotmail.com. For more information: Melody Arnold- melody2a@hotmail.com
Restoration Work Day–Lincoln Trail Homestead State Park
Lincoln Trail Homestead State Park and Memorial 39.805351, -89.104150, DecaturWe are excited to officially begin our season at the park and there are many jobs that need to be accomplished to make this beautiful area a welcome place to enjoy. We appreciate any amount of help and time you can give. Please wear gloves and bring a mask. Come enjoy the signs of spring, observe the changes in the park that have been made, and meet new friends. .