Latest Past Events

Saving Land, Saving Species: Lessons for Central Illinois from Central America

Hilton Garden Inn 1501 S. Neil St., Champaign

Join LCF for an evening with Mark Wainwright. This wildlife biologist, author, and educator is president of the Monteverde Conservation League of Costa Rica, which manages the Children's Eternal Rainforest, the largest private preserve in Central America. ​Tickets are $50 each. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: SEPTEMBER 15 ​Visit Conservation Foundation website for details and to register online.

Visit Menard County Trails & Greenways Booth at Petersburg Harvest Fest

Petersburg Square IL

Come see us at the Menard County Trails & Greenways booth at the Petersburg Harvest Fest. We'll there all day answering questions about places to visit in Menard County. We'll have trail maps available for the trails at Lincoln's New Salem State Historic Site and other cool handouts. While you're there you can visit the shops on the square, grab a cool beverage at Hand of Fate Brewery, and stay for Captain Geech and Shrimp Shack Shooters in the evening.