Lincoln Trail Homestead State & Memorial is Open!
Lincoln Trail Homestead State Park and Memorial is open for all to visit and enjoy We hope you will see the difference the removal of honeysuckle has made to the park as well as the new handicapped accessible toilet.

We are reminding everyone the guidelines that IDNR has issued:
-Park hours are 8:30 am to 10 pm.
-Please carry all items out that were carried in. We want to limit contact with refuse as much as possible.
-The pavilions are going to remain closed until further notice (both will be roped off prior to opening).
-The playgrounds are going to remain closed until further notice (both will be roped off prior to opening).
-Gatherings of more than 10 are not allowed.
-Please practice social distancing, wear face coverings, and using hand Sanitizers all highly recommended.
-Reservations previously made are being automatically refunded by Reserve America (IDNR does not process these). This is updated each time the closure period gets extended.
-The Sangamon River is extremely high and swift right now, those who walk the trails or explore the river’s edge should proceed with caution.
-The ticks are in full swing; it is highly recommended that you come prepared with tick spray and wear light colored garments.
-This park does not have flush toilets so bringing your own hand sanitizer is highly encouraged.
-Water hydrants are on and available to wash hands for those who bring soap.
Thank you so much to those who have volunteered to help remove more bush honeysuckle June 4, 2020 from 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM. We still need more volunteers and if you can give any amount of time, we would appreciate your help. Please let us know by responding to this email. This is a great opportunity to improve the park as well as meet new friends and have fun.
Finally, the IDNR and the Friends of Lincoln Trail Homestead State Park and Memorial would like to welcome you back!